Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2010 Foreclosures up 1.7%

Foreclosure data company RealtyTrac recently released its 2010 year-end data indicating a 1.7% increase in U.S. property foreclosure-related filings. Sorry, Las Vegas, but you received the dubious honor of being #1 for foreclosure filings, with a whopping 1 in 9 properties.
Foreclosure activity also increased in 149 of the 206 metro areas exceeding a population of 200,000.
RealtyTrac CEO James J. Saccacio said in a statement, "Foreclosure levels remained five to 10 times higher than historic norms in most of those hard-hit markets, where deep faultlines of risk remain and could potentially trigger more waves of foreclosure activity in 2011 and beyond."
Agents, turn this into an opportunity to help distressed homeowners BEFORE they get to the point of foreclosure. It is Rapid Real Estate Solutions goal to help agents assist distressed homeowners facilitate short sales in Grand Rapids and all over Michigan.
You may visit our website for solutions.
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